RCT Parenting Facebook Group



Teulu Cymru – Childcare and support for families

Teulu Cymru

Childcare and support for families

Earlier this week, the Welsh Government launched Teulu Cymru, a new brand which brings its main childcare and parenting campaigns under one roof.

Teulu Cymru or “Family of Wales,” is here for parents, carers and families of children aged 0-18, pointing them in the right direction for different Welsh Government sources of practical and financial support.

From parenting tips and expert development advice, to help with childcare costs – Teulu makes it a little easier to access this support in one place.

Teulu Cymru | GOV.WALES

Please share the below post from your own social media channels and make sure you’re following Teulu Cymru on Facebook and Instagram.




Teulu Cymru (@teulu.cymru) • Instagram photos and videos


Croeso i’r Teulu!



Teulu Cymru

Gofal plant a chymorth i’r teulu

Yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, lansiodd Llywodraeth Cymru Teulu Cymru, brand newydd sy’n dod â’i phrif ymgyrchoedd gofal plant a magu plant ynghyd o dan yr un to.

Mae Teulu Cymru yma ar gyfer rhieni a theuluoedd plant 0-18 oed, gan eu cyfeirio at lawer o wahanol ffynonellau cymorth ymarferol ac ariannol Llywodraeth Cymru.

O awgrymiadau magu plant a chyngor datblygu arbenigol i helpu gyda chostau gofal plant. Mae Teulu Cymru yn ei gwneud hi ychydig yn haws i rieni ddod o hyd i’r cymorth hwn mewn un lle.

 Teulu Cymru | LLYW.CYMRU

Rhannwch y negeseuon isod o’ch sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol a gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn dilyn y cyfrifon Teulu Cymru ar Facebook a Instagram.




Teulu Cymru (@teulu.cymru) • Instagram photos and videos


Croeso i’r Teulu!

Insports Series Merthyr Tydfil Friday 16/02/24

We have another brilliant insport Series event taking place in Merthyr on Friday, February 16th. The event will take place in Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Centre, with local inclusive clubs offering various sports on the day.

If you could share this with your network and schools, and if you know anyone who might be interested in attending, please register and reserve a spot using the link below.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Cofion gorau / Kind regards,
