Pyjamarama Day 14th May 2021

Pyjamarama Day

On Friday 14th May, we invite all pupils to celebrate Pyjamarama day! Pyjamarama has been set up by the books trust to promote independent reading and reading with others at bedtime.

The day will be filled with exciting literacy, book based tasks – including a bedtime story themed Relax Kids session. Children can wear pyjamas into school and donate £1 which will go towards buying exciting up to date books for our library.

Please could pyjamas be clean, appropriate nightwear. dressing gowns can be worn but no slippers (trainers or proper outdoor footwear.) Also no cuddly toys to be brought in, just pyjamas.


Covid-19 symtoms update

The Welsh Government are making Covid-19 testing available to people with a wider range of symptoms such as fatigue, muscle ache or pain, a sore throat, a headache, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. This is because some variants and young children do not display the classic three Covid-19 symptoms initially.


The request therefore is for people (including children) to get a test if they are feeling unwell in any way. Further detail on how to apply for a test is provided at or simply call the free number 119 between the hours of 7am to 11pm.


Individuals and their households who take a test because of these other wider symptoms are not required to isolate while they await their test result. This includes learners, who can continue to attend their school or setting while they await a test result.


If individuals then receive a positive Covid-19 result, they and their household must then isolate. Households must also isolate if anyone develops any of the three classic Covid-19 symptoms while waiting for a test result taken on wider symptoms to come back.

Clearly, children and adults with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should not attend their school/setting until they are symptom-free for 48 hours, even if their Covid-19 test result is negative.

The FAQs on the Council’s website have been updated to reflect this latest advice –