Pothcawl End of Topic Trip

3rd May 2023 all-day


Dear Parent / Carer,

We are going on an Secret End of Topic Trip to Porthcawl Beach on Wednesday 03/05/23. We will be be on the beach doing activities. Please can I request the pupils bring a towel, change of clothing / shoes as they may get wet or if they have wellies to bring them. Due to the changable weather please make sure you child has a coat.

Cost of the trip is £5.00 towards the cost of the bus.

Pupils will need a packed lunch for this trip. Pupils who are in receipt of FSM will be provided with a school packed lunch. Pupils will return to school before the end of the normal day.

I would like to remind you that participation on this trip is dependent on your child’s behaviour.

Many regards

Mrs M. Chadney

Head of Centre

Link to consent form:
