Keeping Parents/Carers Supported







Keeping Parents/Carers Supported


Throughout this difficult time, The Tai Education Centre wishes to work very closely with parents, keeping them informed, supporting them with guidance and addressing many of their concerns.

The school will issue learners with logins for online learning platforms designed to keep students’ minds active and prepare them for going back to school. The school will also update its online e-learning platform ‘Google Classroom’ regularly so that students can access learning materials for themselves! You will see a guide for how to access google classroom attached to this letter.

We will keep you up to date with helpful advice, tips and strategies for staying healthy and happy during these unprecedented times via our text to parent’s service and via our school website. We also have a Tai Centre YouTube channel  which will contain helpful content. A link to this site will be sent to you and there will also be a link via google classroom and on the school website.

It is very important that the Tai centre has all of your most up to date contact information so please let us know if you think your details need updating.

We will be allocating all parents/carers with a time slot in which a Tai representative will call you to see how you are doing during this potentially tricky time. Of course you do not have to speak to the representative but they are there if you would like some support.

You can also contact M Chadney via the email address below,

Best wishes

M Chadney

Head of Tai Education Centre

01443 422666



Free School Meals Breakfast and Packed Lunch Request

Free School Meals Breakfast and Packed Lunch Request


Parents/carers of children who are entitled to free school meals will be able to collect a breakfast and packed lunch from their local primary school during the Coronavirus school closure period.


The food will be a cold provision which will be packaged for take away and can be collected between 11am and midday each day.  Each pack will contain a packed lunch for the collection day and breakfast for the following morning.


Please click on the attached link to an e-form

and complete the required details.

RCT Update to Parents

1. The latest scientific advice

The most recent scientific advice on how to further limit the spread of COVID-19 is clear.  Everyone must, as far as possible, minimise social contact and make sure that anyone who is particularly vulnerable to the virus is able to adopt strict social distancing.

2. How does social distancing affect your children?

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council has advised schools that emergency childcare should only be open to a limited number of children. We must keep the number of children in educational, childcare and play settings to the smallest number possible.

We also need to make sure children are not left with anyone who should be following strict social distancing guidance, such as anyone over 70 or anyone with the specified underlying health conditions.

Keeping children safe in their home should limit the chance of the virus spreading and protect those vulnerable to more serious illness as a result of the virus. Parents/carers should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should ensure that children remain at least 2m apart where possible and that gatherings are avoided. Play areas across the County have now been closed and should not be attended. If your child is not in an emergency childcare setting please keep them safe at home during the day and in the evenings. This is essential to ensure the safety of your family, friends and neighbours and to limit and slow down the spread of the virus

If your child receives free school meals, this will continue. In Rhondda Cynon Taf, all children eligible to free school meals will access this from their nearest primary school on a daily basis between 11am and 12pm. This has to be applied for on-line using the e-forms on the Council website.

3. What is the latest advice on key or essential workers?

A list of categories of critical workers has been published on the Welsh Government website. Places in schools and childcare will be highly limited and only particularly vulnerable children and the children of critical/essential workers whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response should be attending during this time.

If you are classed as a critical or essential worker but are able to perform the critical parts of your job effectively when working from home, then you should do so.

Even for critical or essential workers, provision will only be made in schools or other settings where there is no safe alternative for your family.

4. I’m a key or essential worker but my partner isn’t. What should we do?

If one parent is a critical or essential worker but the other parent is not then the other parent should provide safe alternative arrangements at home when possible.

5. What support is available in Rhondda Cynon Taf?

The Council is doing everything it can to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Please refer to the Council website for further detail. These plans will now adapt and change as we respond to the latest guidance available from the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales.

For the very latest advice, please check your local authority’s website at

Urgent Update from Local Authority

Coronavirus continues to spread in Wales. Public Health Wales yesterday announced that a further seven people have died in Wales over recent days as a result of the virus and the number of confirmed cases in Wales continues to grow by the day, with significant increases over the last two days in particular.

The social distancing advice is there for a reason – people are falling ill and people with under-lying health issues are dying as a result of continued transmission of the virus. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that we all personally take the responsibility to minimise the contact we have with one another to slow the spread of the virus.

Play areas across the County have all now been closed and should not be attended. If your children are not in the Emergency childcare settings please keep them safe at home, this extends to the evenings too. You have to do this for the safety of your family, friends and neighbours, to limit and slow down the spread of the virus.

Please read.Latest Advice.

Before deciding whether or not to send your child to school please read the following advice from Welsh Government which begins:

‘In summary, from Monday March 23:

If it is at all possible for children to be at home, they should be.’
Read the rest of the advice at:

Free School Meals Request

If your child receives free school meals, and you require a breakfast and a packed lunch during the Coronavirus school closure, please complete this form (click link below) so RCT can provide help and support where possible.

Please note that the food will be packaged for take away and can be collected between 11am and midday each day. Each pack will contain a packed lunch for the collection day and breakfast for the following morning).